Glorification of the hero story


Glorification of the hero story

FEDEX Express Honolulu, HI, capital of the company's employees, in stormy weather, the packets are sent to a fast-track. A strong wind to the packet from his truck without tents blowing years, falling into the sea. Postman Jim? Bush did not hesitate to jump into the sea, picked up the parcel. After re-packaging, can not attend to their dripping wet clothes off, they rushed to the hands of packets sent to the customer.

FEDEX Express in the system of internal staff to vigorously publicize the story of a typical set, calling on them to learn he does not include personal safety, dedication to the noble act of customer service and excellent moral character. Such deeds of love and respect their jobs in the company's newspaper Web site and other media widely disseminated, received very good results.
